Version Roadmap VOIS | EGOV
Below you find the roadmaps for the next versions of myCivicCentre, providing you with a regular update on any changes, improvements and new features which are in our development pipeline for future versions. Your suggestions, comments and requests will also be considered here.
In the coming days we will assign release dates for each version. We are committing ourselves to these release dates ensuring you of a transparent and continuous development process.
Version 1.1 to 1.x (test version SBM)
- General: integrate new logo
- General: add SBM Terms and Conditions
- General: browser link will be hidden after page set-up
- General: update news
- Services: separate municipal services from other responsible departments (e.g. district departments)
- Services: integrate additional/new services
- MuniPay: show account number in the overview
- Report & Fix: integrate issue list including a filter for categories and location
- Report & Fix: avoiding double entry of issues - automatic alignment if in an area of e.g. 20m an issue was reported already